From the internal idea to market-ready SaaS products and business models
Core OfferingBusiness Building
IndustryBiotechnology & Pharma
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plusProduct Versions
plusLead Customers
plus% EBIT Potential

The ZETA Group specializes in the development and supply of tailor-made process solutions for sterile and aseptic applications in the biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries.

For several years, ZETA has been developing a comprehensive digital strategy that includes advanced software tools based on the digital twin of the plants, thus generating added value for customers, plant operators and project suppliers. A central component of this strategy will be implemented in the form of a new digital maintenance tool, which enables sustainable optimization of maintenance processes on mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones or wearables. The new service guides maintenance technicians through the system in a clear and targeted manner so that they can do their work efficiently.

Together with ZETA, Bitrock has quickly and purposefully developed a comprehensive product concept and business model for this digital maintenance tool, which will be used by the first pilot customers and further developed iteratively.


  • Conducted internal interviews with relevant stakeholders and identified possible areas of application and product features

  • Analyzed market size and identified & defined relevant customer segments

  • Product features validated with potential customers

  • Developed a clear product concept including business model

  • Modeled multiple pricing models and calculated the 5-year business case